CoffeCup Animation Studio is an application that can be used to create animated GIF projects or PNG slideshows.
Every time you open the app, you will receive the tip of the day. This is very convenient because in this way you can understand easier how to use this program. For instance, if the image that has been imported comes with a larger palette than 256 colors, it will be adapted to the GIF palette. So, if you use more images, the size of the animation will be bigger. It is better to apply for frames with the same dimensions to obtain a good result. The Edit tab helps you draw individual frames for your project. In addition, it can be used to create stylized text, to move and resize objects. The video animations can be converted to AVI, WMV, MPG files.
It is very easy to understand and use the application with all its tools. First you need to know whether you want to make a new project, or to use one that already exists. When you create a new project, you can choose between animated GIF project and PNG slide show. Whatever your option is, you can change the settings from Animation Properties. The main idea is to add images, edit them and change the properties regarding the delay, dimensions and the repeat mode. You can use the preview option to check if your project needs some improvements. In the view field, selectable from the toolbar, you have two possibilities for viewing the results: preview and play. The first one opens the result in an Internet browser and the other one lets you see the result in the preview section placed at the bottom of the main window. You can edit the images one by one in the Edit field. Here you have many options for shapes and colors. You can draw details on your image using different tools and you can edit or add some text. Other options are used to convert video to animated GIF projects or to PNG slideshows.
In my opinion, this application has a nice and appropriate interface. It is a simple program, that does not require special skills for photo editing.